

    The publishing industry, a venerable field steeped in the rich tradition of disseminating knowledge and culture, is currently undergoing a transformative shift, heavily influenced by technological advancements. This sector, once dominated by printed materials, has expanded to include digital formats, altering the way content is created, distributed, and consumed. Innovations such as e-books, on-demand printing, and AI-driven content personalization are not just trends but are now integral components of the publishing landscape.

    TMotions, with its expertise in bespoke software solutions, stands at the forefront of this technological revolution. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and tailored digital strategies, TMotions aids publishers in navigating the complexities of digital transformation, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in an increasingly digital world.

    Success Stories

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    Aur Direct
    Aur Direct

    Auto Car

    Autocar is a UK-based car review site that has been a pioneer in automotive journalism for over 125 years.

    Aur Direct
    Aur Direct


    Haymarket Media Group is a global media, data and information company.

    Aur Direct
    Aur Direct


    Haymarket brand Campaign is the world’s leading business media brand serving the marketing, advertising and media communities.

    How We Can Help

    Digital Asset
    Management with Drupal

    TMotions utilizes the robust capabilities of Drupal to offer sophisticated digital asset management systems. These systems are designed to streamline the storage, organization, and retrieval of digital assets, making it easier for publishers to manage a large volume of content efficiently and securely.

    through Advanced

    By harnessing the power of Tableau and Power BI, TMotions crafts detailed analytics platforms that feed into dynamic content personalization engines. These platforms analyze reader data to deliver content that resonates with individual preferences, thereby enhancing engagement and loyalty.

    Subscription and
    Management via CRM

    TMotions integrates leading CRM systems like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics to develop comprehensive subscription management solutions.

    Audience Insights and
    Business Intelligence

    With expertise in Tableau and Power BI, TMotions transforms raw data into valuable insights, providing publishers with a clear understanding of their audience and market trends. This intelligence allows for better strategic decisions, from editorial directions to marketing tactics.

    Unified Multi-Platform

    TMotions' multi-platform publishing tools, powered by Drupal, ensure that content is consistent and optimized across all digital channels. This unified approach helps maintain brand integrity and improves user experience across devices, from desktops to mobile phones.

    Enhanced Security with
    Azure & AWS Cloud

    Leveraging the security and scalability of Azure Cloud, TMotions fortifies the digital infrastructure of publishers. This includes robust data protection measures and advanced compliance protocols to secure sensitive content and user data against evolving cyber threats.


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    Why TMotions


    Years in operation


    Projects delivered


    Industry experts


    Of engineers with advanced degrees


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    Unleashing the Power of Accessibility Testing: Ensuring Inclusive Digital Exp...
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    Introduction: In today’s digital age, websites and applications have be...

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